Physician Services

Physician services are available to the attending physician, patient, and hospice care team as a consultant and resource.

Physician services include assistance with diagnosis of illness; assistance with decision making concerning treatment options; coordination of patient assessments for interdisciplinary meetings; facilitation of discussion about prognosis and goals of care between the patient/caregiver, family members, and other providers if necessary or requested; consultation on comfort care issues such as pain control and symptom management, medical treatments that may be beneficial but not cure-based (E.G., IV fluids for dehydration).

Initiating Physician Services

Hospice medical director is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via pager or telephone to answer specific questions regarding a patient’s hospice eligibility, plan of care, and other issues. Physician services are initiated by the physician with Fairmont Hospice medical director via pager or phone call for consultation on a patient-by patient basis. Physician involvement should be especially comprehensive whenever patients have been diagnosed with end-stage illness that may warrant consideration of palliative home health services from Fairmont Home Health & Hospice.

Sound Physician Relationships between Physicians and Fairmont Hospice Staff

The affiliation between Fairmont Medical Center and Fairmont Health Care Foundation speaks well to the quality of care provided by our staff in meeting your needs in an exceptional manner. It is important understand all aspects of the patient’s diagnosis, prognosis, and plan of care to ensure continuity of care for the patient. Physician involvement with Fairmont Hospice is voluntary, but physicians are encouraged to become actively involved with the team in order that the team may work together to meet the needs of patients receiving Physician Services. Physician services are available seven days a week from 8:00 A.M. – 10:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday

The Fairmont Hospice Physician Services program follows Medicare guidelines as to physician services available during each phase of hospice care including routine home visits, 24 hours a day coverage by consulting physicians, coordination of interdisciplinary meetings related to patient’s care plan, facilitation of discussion about prognosis and goals of care, and coordination of end-of-life referrals. Physician services related to relief or management of pain, anxiety, and physical discomfort are available 24 hours a day.

Patient Care Team Meetings

The patient care team meets regularly to discuss the plan of care for each patient receiving Physician Services within Fairmont Hospice. Typically patients will be seen along with their family members at least once every 30 days by their attending physician or his/her designee unless otherwise indicated by patient’s needs. Physician participation in these meetings is encouraged so that the entire multidisciplinary team can work together to optimize quality of care for our patients. A team approach results in better care coordination among all disciplines caring for hospice patients since they are meeting regularly to review patient progress. Physician input is presented as to the course of treatment being followed, assessment of current medical conditions and their effect on quality of life under hospice care; and other issues that may influence plan of care.

Patient/Family Education The Fairmont Hospice nurse facilitates an orientation session for each new or transfer hospice patient receiving Physician Services within Fairmont Hospice. This orientation will include an explanation about Physician Services provided by Fairmont Hospice, utilization of resources available through Fairmont Home Health & Hospice (E.G., spiritual support), home health services, additional community resources (e.g., Meals on Wheels), benefits counseling, and information about End-of-Life Nursing Education Program (ELNEP). Physician should provide all information relative to prognosis and medical management of the patient’s current condition.

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