Bereavement Support

Bereavement is the time of mourning we all experience following a loss.

Bereavement support is available to anyone who has experienced the death of someone close. Bereavement counselors help grieving survivors come to terms with their loss and feelings by listening, offering hope and understanding, and sharing helpful suggestions. Bereavement services are also offered through local funeral homes or hospitals in many communities.

When you contact Fairmont Hospice about bereavement support, you will be assigned one of our trained volunteers who will get in touch with you soon after your call. You can expect to hear from her within just a few days after your call for bereavement support. She may visit once or twice at appropriate times during the first year after your loved one’s death. In addition, you may receive a telephone call from her each month for the 12 months following your loved one’s death.

We also can mail you letters and bereavement calendars that will help you remember special days while honoring your loved one. We have information on coping with holidays, birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions during the period of bereavement. Bereavement support is offered free of charge.

If necessary, we will refer survivors to medical or other professional care. You do not need to contact us if you are receiving professional care locally; however, if this service ends or is no longer available in your area within six months after your loved one’s death, please call us at 888-846-7742.

Fairmont Hospice Bereavement Support is part of our commitment to support you in your time of need. Bereavement volunteers are caring individuals who understand the loss you are experiencing because they have experienced the death of someone close, too. Bereavement Volunteers come from all walks of life and their one common attribute is that they want to help others in this difficult time. By sharing information on special days, listening when you want to talk, taking care of funeral arrangements or helping with everyday chores Bereavement Volunteers offer a shoulder for survivors to lean on.

Bereavement Support

There are many ways bereavement services may be provided including:

  • Bereavement Visits: Bereavement Visitors will visit those in their care, listen and allow time for reminiscing. They may check to ensure all the practical things are being taken care of such as bills, dry cleaning and groceries. Bereavement Volunteers have a great deal of knowledge about community resources available – they can provide this information if survivors need assistance or referrals. This service is always offered free of charge.
  • Bereavement Letters: Bereavement letters are a wonderful way to touch base with family members following a death. In these letters you can share memories that you have kept close to your heart, be reminded that others share your feelings and that you are not alone during this difficult time. Bereavement Letters usually arrive at regular intervals, one every month for the first year, then less often in subsequent years. Bereavement letters can also be sent to children following a death to comfort and reassure them that they are not alone in their feelings of loss
  • Bereavement Calendars: Monthly Bereavement Calendars remind survivors of significant events such as holidays, birthdays and anniversaries during Bereavement. They serve as a reminder for those who find it difficult to celebrate these days, perhaps because of associations with their loved one’s death. Some may find this is a time when they need extra support from their bereavement counselor, or family members especially if they live alone. The Bereavement Calendar offers the opportunity for friends and community to participate in sharing memories just by sending a card. Bereavement Calendars are sent free of charge to Fairmont Hospice Bereavement Survivors throughout The Texas Gulf Coast.
  • Bereavement Support Group: Bereaved individuals may find it helpful to share their experiences with others who have suffered similar losses. A Bereavement Group can be a source of comfort, information, strength and hope during the time following the death of your loved one. Fairmont Hospice Bereavement Volunteers are trained volunteers who care for survivors in Bereavement Groups that meet monthly. The support group is offered free of charge, however donations are welcome! Survivors will receive further information about Bereavement Groups upon request from Fairmont Hospice Bereavement Department at 888-846-7742.
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